Visitors at UCSD Schools

The Urbandale Community School District (UCSD) welcomes and invites parents/guardians to visit schools during the school day. “Visitors” include parents, guardians, volunteers, contractors, students from other schools, UMS and UHS students visiting district schools (unless students are under direct supervision by a UCSD employee), student teachers, student teacher advisors, outside counselors/EFR, and members of the community.  

In order to maintain a safe and secure learning environment, visitors must report to the school’s main office, sign-in upon arrival, provide a U.S. government-issued ID for scanning into the Raptor system (or provide a legitimate photo ID and have name and date of birth entered into the Raptor system), and then receive a visitor’s badge/sticker which they will be required to wear during their stay in our schools. Visitors are required to sign-out and return the badge/sticker at the main office prior to leaving the school. (Note: Signing in via the Raptor system will not be necessary for individuals who drop-off or pick-up a student or materials in the main office.) 

Visitor Management System
All UCSD schools have implemented the Raptor visitor management system. The Raptor system establishes a consistent and uniform visitor check-in process as it has two main functions: 1) issues a dated visitor check-in badge/sticker complete with a name, photo, and destination, and 2) screens individuals against sex offender registries in all 50 states and several territories within the United States. 

How It Works

  • All UCSD visitors must report to the main office upon their arrival at the school and provide their driver’s license or other state or federally issued ID. (Note: Signing in via the Raptor system will not be necessary for individuals who drop-off or pick-up a student or materials in the main office.) 
  • The barcode on the ID will be scanned electronically and run through the Raptor system.
  • If a visitor does not have a U.S. government-issued ID, the main office can use any form of legitimate photo identification and manually enter the person’s name and date of birth into the Raptor system. 
  • The Raptor system checks the visitor’s name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system. No other data from the ID is gathered or recorded and the information is not shared with any outside agency. 
  • If a match is identified, the building principal or designated representative will immediately be notified and respond according to district procedures. 
  • If an individual refuses to provide identification, the building principal or designated representative will immediately be notified and respond according to district procedures. 
  • If no match is identified, visitors will be issued a date-specific visitor’s badge/sticker that includes their name, photograph, and destination. The badge/sticker must be worn and remain visible at all times while the visitor is on school grounds. 
  • Children who do not have a valid ID are allowed to visit as long as an adult who has completed the check-in process accompanies them. 
  • All visitors are required to check-out and return the visitor badge/sticker at the main office prior to leaving the school.

Once visitors have been approved by the Raptor system, they will not need to provide an ID for each subsequent visit. Previously approved visitors will still need to check-in at the main office to receive a visitor badge/sticker to be worn while on school grounds. All visitors are required to check-out and return the visitor badge/sticker at the main office prior to leaving the school.

An important part of keeping students and staff safe is knowing who is in our buildings at all times. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain safe and secure learning environments.