School News
Quiz Bowl Club Attends Statewide Tournament
Created on November 4th, 2024On Thursday, October 18, UHS sent a team of five quiz bowlers to compete at the DMACC Ankeny Campus in the Knowledge Bowl tournament. Pictured below, Chloe Trotter, Miley Seliquini, Ryn Saylor, Abi Shaka, and Lindy Huynh represented their high school in the statewide tournament by enduring seven rounds of oral competition after a written exam and an online qualifying round. Quiz Bowl Club meets in Mrs. Forristall’s room (236) every Monday during ELP Classes and can participate in numerous competitions throughout the school year. Any student can join and the schedule is flexible to allow for participation in other activities. The next quiz bowl competition is Saturday, January 18 & will have a history focus.