School News
6th-8th Social Studies Curriculum Review
Created on February 16th, 2023Beginning in the Fall of 2022 the Teaching and Learning Department began the curriculum review of 6th-8th grade Social Studies. This review began with learning for all social studies educators around the inquiry design model along with observation of a fifth-grade classroom within the district to ensure K-8 alignment in instructional experiences for our students. The 6th-8th grade teachers then used existing materials to implement instructional shifts to align with the inquiry model. In the next phase, teachers will field test instructional materials for 6th-8th grade materials. During spring conferences, materials will be available for review at Urbandale Middle School Following field testing and our learning communities’ feedback, the team will evaluate and make a recommendation for the adoption of new instructional materials. The following materials will be field tested in select 6-8 social studies classrooms.