School Library Curriculum



The UCSD Library program will bring learning to life for every student by nurturing a passion for reading and helping everyone understand how to use information and technology ethically

AASL Library Program Standards Graphic


School libraries wield significant influence on student achievement. They enrich the overall development of students by promoting reading for both academic advancement and personal growth. School libraries aid in honing research skills to foster the creation and dissemination of fresh insights while instilling principles of ethical engagement in an interconnected global community. Outstanding school libraries manifest as both tangible spaces and online resources, featuring outstanding programs guided by certified professionals.

Urbandale Community School District library program focuses on: THE LIBRARY, THE LEARNER, THE LIBRARIAN


  • Guided by the program vision that aligns to the overall mission and vision of the school district.
  • Provides an inclusive space welcoming all learners.
  • Curates physical and virtual library spaces to support learners with current, relevant, diverse, and organized collections. 
  • Promoting reading as fundamental. 
  • Ensures access to explore, create, grow with new technologies.
  • Maintained by an annual budget allowing for stability and growth of the collection, space, and program.
  • Staffed with a certified school librarian and ideally an associate.


The library environment is pivotal in cultivating a passion for learning and reading in students. It acts as an inviting and motivating hub where students delve into realms of knowledge. The layout and design have considerable influence on students’ educational journeys. A thoughtfully arranged and visually appealing library offers a cozy and conducive atmosphere for studying, reading, researching, and collaborating. It should offer a diverse array of materials, fostering curiosity, igniting imagination, and bolstering academic development.



  • Access diverse resources and engage with interactive learning materials to improve academic achievement.
  • Develop research skills, including information literacy to conduct effective and thorough investigations.
  • Actively participate in dynamic and interactive virtual experiences to increase engagement and enthusiasm for learning.
  • Acquire knowledge and understanding across various subjects and disciplines through exploration of quality physical and virtual resources.
  • Master digital literacy skills, including proficiency with online research tools and platforms, to navigate the digital landscape effectively.
  • Unleash creativity and innovation by utilizing multimedia resources and participating in collaboration activities.
  • Cultivate independent learning habits and self-directed inquiry skills to drive their own educational journeys.
  • Enhance communication and collaboration abilities through active participation in group projects and discussions.
  • Embrace lifelong learning habits and maintain a curiosity-driven approach to education.
  • Develop the skills and confidence needed to navigate and thrive in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.


Learners are paramount in the school library environment as they are the focal point of all activities and resources. The library serves as a dynamic hub where learners engage in exploration and inquiry. It is a space designed to cater to their diverse needs and interests, providing access to a wealth of information, resources, and opportunities for growth. By placing the learner at the center, the school library environment aims to empower students to become independent learners, critical thinkers, and lifelong seekers of knowledge. It is a space where learners are inspired, supported, and encouraged to reach their full potential.



  • Staffed with a certified school librarian and ideally an associate.
  • Design and deliver meaningful standards-based instruction 
  • Collaborate with staff to enhance content area learning
  • Model, encourage, and celebrate a love of reading in the library and beyond
  • Use meaningful data and reflection to inform decisions of library goals
  • Collaborate as a district Digital Learning Teacher Librarian team
  • Adhere to and update school board-approved library policies
  • Seek opportunities for library-related professional development
  • Demonstrate leadership and advocacy for the library program


The librarian plays a vital role in resource curation, guidance provision, and fostering students’ holistic growth. Proficient and informed professionals are key to facilitating students’ access to appropriate resources, aiding in research endeavors, and nurturing a love for literature. They function as mentors and educators, empowering students to develop critical thinking skills, communication prowess, and digital citizenship. The librarian also collaborates with educators to seamlessly integrate information literacy and technology in pursuit of student academic growth.

UCSD Board-Approved K-12 Library Program Guide


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