Teaching & Learning
The Urbandale Community School District Teaching and Learning Department provides leadership and guidance regarding curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
We bring learning to life through the development, facilitation, and implementation of high-quality learning experiences.
What we do:
- Facilitating the development, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum.
- Supporting teachers as they study and implement culturally sustaining, research-based instructional practices.
- Coordinating supports that ensure students have the support and resources through a Multi-Tier System of Support for both academics and behavior.
- Providing professional learning opportunities for all staff, including the Teacher Quality (TQ) professional development opportunities.
- Supporting new teachers and their mentors.
- Implementing Urbandale CSD’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) model.
- Implementation and support of the comprehensive, balanced, and equitable assessment plan.
- Title Programming and Coordination for qualifying schools and programs both public and non-public.
- Development and support for implementation of the K-12 Counseling, Library, and Technology Program
- Ensuring Urbandale CSD complies with local, federal, and state academic requirements.
Teaching & Learning Plan on a Page 2024-2025
Teaching & Learning Contacts
Brandon Schrauth
Director of Teaching & Learning
Edina Mesic
Department Administrative Assistant
(515) 457-5001
Jill Miller
Curriculum Facilitator
PreK-5 ELA, Mathematics, Science, & Social Studies
Kandi Brittain
Curriculum Facilitator
6-12 ELA & Social Studies, K-12 Visual Arts, Music, World Languages, & CTE
Janean Hauser
Curriculum Facilitator
6-12 Mathematics & Science, K-12 P.E., Health, & CTE
Elizabeth Whitver
Curriculum Facilitator
PreK-12 Digital Learning Facilitator
Alec McLeran
Data Management Specialist
PowerSchool, EduClimber, ClassLink, Application Integration