School News


School Board Awards 17 Students with Certificates

During the July 15 School Board meeting, the Board & Administration awarded Certificates of Recognition to 17 UCSD students. Many thanks to Taylor Mulligan for attending the Board meeting; Taylor received All State Academic Girls Soccer and 1st Team All State Girls Soccer. We are #proudofU!

All State Academic Boys Soccer
Ian Swacker
Ahmedin Mujic
Rockne Carver

All State Academic Girls Soccer
Audrey Hager
Taylor Mulligan
Kiley Lumley
Abby Jacobson
Anna Long
Saidie Lilienthal
Avery Van Quathem

All State Academic Boys Track
Mason Moran

All State Academic Girls Golf
Bella Oberbrockling
Ava Bibbs
Jillian Zuckerman
Arabella Page
Delaney Peterson

1st Team All State Girls Soccer
Taylor Mulligan

Unnamed (15)

Pictured: School Board Vice President Rachel Kent, School Board President Jason Menke, Taylor Mulligan, and Superintendent Dr. Daca