School News

Lunch hero

May 3: School Lunch Hero Day

Our UCSD Nutrition Services Team always goes above and beyond when it comes to serving students with a smile while also navigating how to prepare healthy and nutritious foods, food allergies, and strict nutrition guidelines. So in order to recognize this amazing team, join us in celebrating School Lunch Hero Day on May 3. 

If you see any of these smiling faces, be sure to share your appreciation. #UBelongHere #SchoolLunchHeroes 

Jessy Sadler, Director of Nutrition Services 

Sam Phillips, Operations Specialist

Cassie Mayrose, Administrative Assistant

Urbandale High School

Asmira Dolic, Kitchen Manager; Azra Zukic, Cook; Sanela Rizvic, Cook; Fehim Beganovic, Production Kitchen; Esmira Dubinovic, Production Kitchen ; Edina Mehic, Production Kitchen; Linda Willems, Production Kitchen 

Urbandale Middle School

Sanela Hasanic, Kitchen Manager; Mina Delic, Cook; Aida Cosic, Production Kitchen;  Arijana Salkanovic, Production Kitchen; Jasminka Beganovic, Production Kitchen

Karen Acres

Laura Clark, Serving Kitchen; Dia Cavan, Serving Kitchen; Vicki Dannen, Serving Kitchen; Fifi Mahic, Serving Kitchen


Lynne VanWyk, Cook; Teresa Garcia, Production Kitchen ; Melissa Wingfield, Production Kitchen; Mirnesa Crnkic, Production Kitchen


Cynthea Streeter, Kitchen Manager; Stefana Vidovic, Cook; Nermina Zillic, Production Kitchen


Stephanie Allsup, Kitchen Manager; Vesna Djuric, Head Baker; Tina Coggeshall, Production Kitchen; Dolores Escoto, Production Kitchen