School Pictures
Our school photographer is HR Imaging. Pictures will be taken during the school day on October 3rd and 4th. We will send out more information on exact times at the end of September. Order forms will be available on the UHS website, but students’ pictures will be taken regardless if you plan to purchase them or not. We do this for the purpose of updating school records as well as for the yearbook. Picture retake day will be on November 7th, 7:30am-3:30pm. Any students that were absent on picture day or would like a retake may go to the Commons that day during an open period or learning center, or with permission from their teacher. Please note that the high school does not do spring pictures, so these are the only opportunities for pictures to be taken!
Please visit and follow the prompts to order your students school picture. (Orders may be placed AFTER your students picture has been taken.)